Together for better regulatory oversight
Summary of the RWE activities in 2024
Marijke van Hees (chair of RegWatchEurope (RWE) in 2024) summarizes the activities of RWE in 2024.
Interview with Paul Mollerup, DBRF chair
In 2025, the Danish Business Regulation Forum will take over the presidency of RegWatchEurope (RWE)
RWE Workshop and Board Meeting
The last events of the year which are also the last events of the ATR Presidency of RWE took place on December 2 and 3.
Interview with Stephen Gibson, RPC chair
In an interview, Stephen Gibson tells about the RPC, the recent changes, and its role within RWE.
Key messages for the new European Commission mandate
RegWatchEurope has issued key messages for the new European Commission mandate.
Interview with Marijke van Hees, ATR chair
In an interview, Marijke van Hees tells about ATR and the RWE priorities under the Dutch chairmanship.
RegWatchEurope Workshop: Managing and Measuring Cumulative Regulatory Burdens
The workshop focused on understanding the cumulative regulatory burden on business sectors and its impact on competitiveness.
RegWatchEurope Workshop on CS3D and Directors Meeting
The first events of the year have taken place on March 18 and 19, namely a Workshop on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D) and the regular Directors Meeting.
Summary of RegWatchEurope actions in 2023
Anna-Lena Bohm, chair of the Swedish Better Regulation Council, summarizes the activities of RegWatchEurope in 2023.
RegWatchEurope opinion on the EU Commission Communication on long term competitiveness
The opinion focuses on the section on an enhanced regulatory framework and contains reflections on the new competitiveness check as well as other topics.
RegWatchEurope workshop on innovation and regulatory policy part II
On the 28 September, RegWatchEurope arranged a follow-up to the workshop on innovation and regulatory policy that was held on 7 June.
RegWatchEurope workshop on regulatory policy and innovation
An innovation-friendly regulatory environment to improve welfare, growth and competitiveness has become an increasingly important political objective.
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